
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Delicious, Nearly Sodium-Free Chunky Salsa

I finally did it! Admittedly, I do have an addiction to chips and salsa but have really had to hold back because of the sodium level in my favorite “medium, chunky” salsa. For years I have tried various recipes to make my own low-sodium blend and have never been satisfied with the texture, the taste, or both. But lo! Now I have finally come up with a very easy and fast way to make great, nearly sodium-free chunky salsa and do it without all of the chopping, which is difficult to impossible for me if I’m suffering a flair-up.
Since my discovering break-through recipe, I have set off on an adventure to modify and play with flavors, but the hard part is done, and I’m going to share it with you. So…[drumroll] without further ado, here is my basic recipe:


1 container of chopped mixed bell peppers from the produce department
1 container of fresh pico de gallo (onion, jalapeno, cilantro, tomato) from the produce department
1-2 tablespoons lime juice
½ poblano pepper – chopped
2 whole tomatoes
1 chopped tomato
A dash of sea salt

  1. Put everything but the tomatoes in a big bowl and stir
  2. Cut the two whole tomatoes into quarters and put in a blender – make a soup like mix
  3. Pour the blended tomatoes over all of the other veggies and stir
And that is it! The miracle of delicious, nearly sodium-free chunky salsa made from wholesome, raw, fresh ingredients and without the joint-searing task of chopping veggies (thank you produce department!). I have been experimenting with adding garlic and fine tuning my flavor, but we now keep this salsa in our refrigerator and I can enjoy at least one half of my chips and salsa addiction without blowing my low-sodium diet.

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