
Monday, May 18, 2015

It’s going to be a circus!

Summer is here - I hope you are ready.  I’m not going to lie, I really appreciate Will’s school and he loves it. It is a healthy break each day from each other. He is too young for camps to be worthwhile. Last summer we tried British Soccer Camp - an hour and a half each day for a week and it was a complete flop. Will didn't even play that special sort of toddler soccer often referred to as “herd ball” because the kids all run in a pack after the ball. Rather, he found ant hill and counted black ants. So rethinking this summer, we will continue with Little Dragons martial arts - twice a week for 30 minutes. Although he loves going and has decided he will be a black belt, this does not begin to structure our summer days/weeks.

Today was the first day of the last week of school - what to do? This week’s theme at school is the circus and it feels so appropriate – oh a circus the summer will be! With my low tolerance for providing constant entertainment, I have to be prepared. Surely I am not alone in this, but I do know some moms who can’t wait for the 24/7 run around for 3 months. Me, not so much. I keep dreaming for the summer beach house – do nothing then drink red wine and eat a baguette days of my life J Will is invited, of course! Although he may have to drink sparking apple juice!

Preparation: I have spent the last month setting up activity stations both inside and outside the house. Inside we have a play room with stations set up like a preschool room. Letters, blocks, train table, drawing table (he loves to draw), and yes, Netflix with strict limits. Currently the only shows he wants to watch are documentaries about space, so I think we are safe. We have puzzles, race cars, and in my opinion more than any single kid needs. Of course, since I am the one who cleans up his “office” my perspective may be skewed. Nonetheless, inside is important because our weather is extreme. Our “regular” summer weather is hot – 100 degrees hot. They did not name the Hotter than Hell bike race here without cause.

Outside we built a wooden swing set/fort combo in the backyard. Also, my parents brought us a huge tractor tire that we had filled with sand. Thanks for your help Mom and Dad! And finally, we have a huge trampoline with the safety net! My circus is set to begin!

I even have a plan for playdates! Two of Will’s friends from school have very awesome parents and we are all going to trade kids throughout the week so we all get days off – genius!! So, our house will be a circus, and who knows how the others are preparing but with kids added to the mix – we are sure to do some acrobatics.

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